Our Hidden Gem Awaits
Our Mountain Campus includes the Pueblo Mountain Park, the Horseshoe Lodge & Retreat Center, a WPA-era pavilion, an outdoor amphitheater, a ball field, and a low-ropes challenge course. The Mountain Campus is located at 9112 Mountain Park Road, 26 miles west of Pueblo in the town of Beulah, Colorado, 81023. You may call our main office at 719-485-4444.
The Pueblo Mountain Park is open:
May 1 – September 30
6:30 am – 9 pm
October 1 – April 30
6:30 am – 6 pm
Our River Campus is nestled in a peaceful area of Pueblo along the Arkansas River.
The Pueblo Mountain Park
The Pueblo Mountain Park is the perfect location for self-guided hiking, mountain biking, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, and horse-back riding. Guided hikes and outdoor programs are available as well through the Nature & Wildlife Discovery Center Programs department.
Here, you can hike historic trails through 611 acres of beautiful ponderosa pines and wildflowers. The highest point in the Mountain Park is the Fire Tower at 7,400 ft, which has a gazebo underneath where hikers can rest and enjoy a picnic lunch. You can park your car right near most of the trailheads in the Mountain Park, as long as weather and road conditions allow. If the Mountain Park experienced heavy rain and/or snow recently, and on “No Motor Mondays,” we ask that you please park at the Horseshoe Lodge main parking lot and walk to the trailheads.

The Horseshoe Lodge & Retreat Center
The Horseshoe Lodge & Retreat Center is a premiere destination for group retreats, weddings, family reunions, weekend getaways, and overnight programs for school, scout, and youth groups. It sits at about 6,600 ft elevation, 1/3 mile away from the nearest trailhead and includes a WPA-era pavilion, an outdoor amphitheater, walkable labyrinth, and a low-ropes challenge course. The Horseshoe Lodge & Retreat Center implements compostable toilets and a BioMass Renewable Energy Project to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, threat of wildfire, and the cost of running a non-profit lodge.
We have one designated smoking area near the main parking lot. The Mountain Campus can often experience high fire danger, so we ask all visitors to exercise extreme caution.

Weather for Beulah Valley:
Weather information above provided by: https://weatherwidget.io. More accurate weather information may be available via the Beulah National Weather Service web page.