NWDC Job Application

Thank you for expressing interest in employment with Nature & Wildlife Discovery Center. NWDC is an equal opportunity employer, and will therefore consider all applicants for employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, disability, membership or activity in a local commission, public assistance status, or any other protected class status. In reading and answering the following questions, please keep in mind that none of the questions is intended to apply any limitations, preferences, or discrimination based on any non-job related information. By completing this application, there is no assurance of employment. However, if a suitable opening becomes available, this application may receive consideration.

  • Max. file size: 30 MB.
    jpg, gif, png, pdf
  • Max. file size: 30 MB.
    jpg, gif, png, pdf
    If hired, you will need to provide proof if identity and authorization to work in the United States.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • IMPORTANT INFORMATION: PLEASE READ CAREFULLY I certify that the facts and information set forth this employment application (and any accompanying resume) are true, accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any falsification, omission, misrepresentation or concealment of information on this application in any detail shall be considered sufficient cause for disqualification from further consideration for hire or for consideration of termination and that NWDC shall not be liable in any respect if my employment is so denied or terminated. I authorize NWDC to conduct an investigation of my employment and personal history and authorize any former employer, person, firm, corporation, credit agency to release any information they may have regarding me to NWDC or it’s designated agents. In consideration of NWDC’s review of this application, I release NWDC and providers of information from any liability as a result of furnishing or receiving his information. I understand all job offers are contingent upon the review of references, background checks, and other relevant information. Any misleading or incorrect statement, omissions or failure to disclose any criminal conviction may remove this application from further consideration for employment and, if employed, may be cause for termination. I understand that, if employed, my employment relationship with NWDC is at-will, meaning I have the right to terminate my employment at any time and NWDC has the same right. I agree that, if employed, my conduct and performance will conform to NWDC’s rules, regulations and expectations. Any employment policies, manuals or handbooks that may be distributed to me during the course of employment may be modified at any time at the sole discretion of NWDC. I understand that completing this application, the granting of an interview, receiving an offer of employment, or the receipt of any employment policies, manuals, or handbooks shall not constitute a contract of any kind. Please review your application before signing to see that you have answered each item. I have read and understand the above information.
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