The Nature & Wildlife Discovery Center publishes a variety of news relating to organizational and public events.

We categorize our news into Staff Appointments (periodic), Ranger Ramblings (monthly), Nature Journal (quarterly), Arkansas Valley Audubon Society (AVAS) Bird Walk Reports  (monthly), and Other News (periodic).

If you don’t want to miss out on upcoming events or the latest news, please subscribe to our free email newsletter. 

black crowned night heron bird
AVAS Bird Watch

February 25, 2023 AVAS Birdwalk

The February 25, 2023 AVAS Birdwalk had 17 participants. A total of 21 bird species were seen and/or heard. The rarest bird seen was a Black-crowned Night-Heron, and it was spotted from the River Campus Deck area.

Kids on river
Ranger Ramblings

February 2023 – Ranger Ramblings

It sometimes takes awhile for students to realize the human impacts on the river, such as personal use and growing crops.

Red Tail Hawk Flying
AVAS Bird Watch

January 28, 2023 AVAS Birdwalk

The January 28, 2023 AVAS Birdwalk drew 7 participants, and a total of 15 bird species were seen.

Ranger Ramblings

January 2023 – Ranger Ramblings

After two days of single digit and sub-zero temperatures, a dedicated group of birding enthusiasts got outside on December 24th.

Great Horned Owl Raptor Bird
AVAS Bird Watch

December 24, 2022 AVAS Birdwalk

The December 24, 2022 AVAS Birdwalk provided folks with the chance to spend time outdoors with their family and friends before the Christmas holiday. Despite freezing temperatures 9 participants met up for the walk, and their fortitude was rewarded!

Northern Shoveler Duck Bird
AVAS Bird Watch

November 26, 2022 AVAS Birdwalk

During the November 26, 2022 AVAS Birdwalk, 24 birds were seen and/or heard, and 18 participants attended.

Common Merganser duck
AVAS Bird Watch

October 22, 2022 AVAS Birdwalk

During the October 22, 2022 AVAS Birdwalk, 18 birds were seen and/or heard, and 15 participants attended. Clif Smith lead this beautiful fall morning walk.

Cinnamon Teal Duck
AVAS Bird Watch

September 24, 2022 AVAS Birdwalk

During the September 24, 2022 AVAS Birdwalk, 23 birds were seen and/or heard, and 12 participants attended. Harry Rurup, Clif Smith, and Brandon Percival each helped lead this walk.

Canada Goose
AVAS Bird Watch

August 27, 2022 AVAS Birdwalk

During the August 27, 2022 AVAS Birdwalk, 19 birds were seen and/or heard, and ten participants attended.

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We appreciate you!

Effective as of 6/26/2024:
NWDC Mountain Campus Temporarily Closed to the Public.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation during this time.
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