AVAS Bird Walks

On the fourth Saturday of each month, the Arkansas Valley Audubon Society (AVAS) sponsors and hosts a public bird walk in partnership with the NWDC at the River Campus. Here are public records about each event including the number of participants and the bird species that were identified.

Great Horned Owl Raptor Bird

December 24, 2022 AVAS Birdwalk

The December 24, 2022 AVAS Birdwalk provided folks with the chance to spend time outdoors with their family and friends before the Christmas holiday. Despite freezing temperatures 9 participants met up for the walk, and their fortitude was rewarded!

Common Merganser duck

October 22, 2022 AVAS Birdwalk

During the October 22, 2022 AVAS Birdwalk, 18 birds were seen and/or heard, and 15 participants attended. Clif Smith lead this beautiful fall morning walk.

Cinnamon Teal Duck

September 24, 2022 AVAS Birdwalk

During the September 24, 2022 AVAS Birdwalk, 23 birds were seen and/or heard, and 12 participants attended. Harry Rurup, Clif Smith, and Brandon Percival each helped lead this walk.

July 23 2022 Bird Walk 1

July 23, 2022 AVAS Birdwalk

During the July 23, 2022 AVAS Birdwalk, 22 birds were seen and/or heard, as well as a beaver and several insects.

June 25 2022 AVAS Bird Walk

June 25, 2022 AVAS Birdwalk

During the June 25, 2022 AVAS Birdwalk, 31 birds were seen and/or heard. Fourteen participants attended, including a baby!

Effective as of 6/26/2024:
NWDC Mountain Campus Temporarily Closed to the Public.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation during this time.
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