February 22, 2025 AVAS Bird Walk
On the cold, snowy day with icy trails 9 participants identified 20 total bird species on a walk that was cut short due to the unpleasant conditions.
Join us on our 9 am walks on the 4th Saturday of every month.
Gadwall (1)
Mallard (4)
Hooded Merganser (1)
Common Merganser (11)
White-winged Dove (2)
American Coot (3)
Ring-billed Gull (2)
Pied-billed Grebe (3)
Double-crested Cormorant (1)
Sharp-shinned or Cooper’s Hawk (1)
Bald Eagle (5)
Red-tailed Hawk (2)
Belted Kingfisher (1)
American Kestrel (1)
Blue Jay (2)
Bushtit (5)
House Sparrow (5)
Dark-eyed Junco (8)
White-crowned Sparrow (5) (featured in cover photo)
Canyon Towhee (4)
Total Species – 20
About AVAS
The Arkansas Valley Audubon Society (AVAS) is located in Pueblo, Colorado and is one of 500 Audubon chapters around the country. AVAS conducts birding activities, offers community programs, contributes to pro-environmental legislative initiatives, and works with agencies that manage public lands and sponsors birding field trips. The mission of AVAS is to promote the conservation of nature through education, political action and field activities with a focus on birds, other wildlife and habitat in Southern Colorado.