Elise standing at outreach table

Mission Moment: Endangered Species Conservation Collaboration

NWDC & Pueblo Zoo staffLast night on Friday, September 6th, NWDC and the Pueblo Zoo partnered up to present our latest “conservation collaboration” at the Rawlings Library, bringing a meaningful educational experience to the community. Our exhibit, titled “Endangered Species: Here and Around the World” is the culmination of passionate research and creativity completed by our rangers, summer campers, Pueblo Zoo staff, and teens in the ZOOAlive program.

Several families gathered with us that night to learn about nine endangered species, including the Red Panda, Panamanian Golden Frog, Axolotl, African Black-Footed Penguin, Painted Dog, Mexican Spotted Owl, Ferruginous Hawk, Southern Redbelly Dace, and Gray Wolf. Through engaging discussions with educational posters, attendees of all ages discovered these species’ unique adaptations, the challenges they face in the wild, and practical steps we can take to protect their habitats and support population recovery. NWDC and the Pueblo Zoo also hosted interactive outreach tables and activities to share more about these incredible species and our organizations’ work to support conservation.

natural artifacts on a table

The best part? The exhibit is still there! Throughout September, YOU can visit the exhibit on the second floor of the Rawlings Library! Come on by to create your very own Southern Redbelly Dace fish craft or Red Panda Mask, and don’t forget to read the “Conservation Actions” sections of each poster to discover steps you can take to reduce your impact on our environment. And while you’re there, be sure to check out our special display of intriguing artifacts, including an owl wing, hawk wing, wolf skull, and owl foot, among others!

We at NWDC are deeply grateful for opportunities like this, where we can collaborate with community partners and inspire the public to connect with and protect the natural world. We hope this exhibit will educate anyone interested in learning more about these species whose populations are at risk. Can’t make it in-person? No problem! You can click below to view our posters and do some learning from home.

View the Posters

Endangered species posters

Media Contact

Jennifer de Groot
NWDC Sales & Marketing Director
Email: salesandmarketing@hikeandlearn.org
Phone: (719) 485-4444

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